
Our Guide to WordPress 6.2

What is WordPress 6.2? WordPress 6.2 was released at the end of March 2023, and we have taken a significant amount of time to test and understand everything that this breakthrough release has to offer for our clients.  The main aim of this release is to make the user’s experience in the admin area just…

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A Complete Guide to Webpage Patterns

What are website layout patterns? There is more to how a web page is designed than just looking nice – the specific layout is something that is carefully considered, weighing up multiple factors and aims. An ideal web page layout will help to guide website users along a desired user journey and through the web…

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7 Drawbacks of Pre-built Website Themes

When you set out to create a website, it can be very tempting to use a pre-built, off-the-shelf, website theme. However, the disadvantages of pre-built website themes often don’t become clear until later on. From the offset, pre-built themes are tempting as a much easier and cheaper option, and they can look very appealing in…

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