Almost two decades ago, Bill Gates asserted that ‘content is King’, paving the way for the philosophy that subsequently took the internet by storm. The issue with company websites, however, is that there are only so many times you can update your services, or your ‘About Us’ section. Blogs have since been discovered as the solution to the lack of content on company websites; regularly updating your site with useful and interesting information encourages traffic to your site, thus generating customers, leads and ultimately, sales.
1. A direct communication channel between you and your customers
Your company blog is a simple and easy-to-use platform for connecting and sharing relevant company and industry information with your customers. Your blog is easily shared on social network sites such as Facebook, Google+, Linkedin and Twitter, all acting as huge traffic hoses, disseminating your voice to a greater scope of audience.
2. Fresh updates to the website encourage Google to visit more often
Google as a search engine loves valuable content and will reward it with high rankings for regular and relevant updates. Although a single post is fairly time consuming, each blog post maintains a ranking in the search engine for weeks, months and even years following its publishing. This ensures that you will continue to generate traffic for this length of time, prompting a greater annual number of visitors and therefore, potential customers. Every time you update your blog, it creates one more page indexed on your website, reminding the search engine that your site is active. This is good and ethical SEO practice.
Every new indexed page added to your site is one more opportunity for you to show up in a search engine and therefore, generate online traffic.
3. A chance to target better rankings for new products
Following keyword research, including the search term in the post will ensure that your blog post ranks on Google, thus granting your company with a voice to make new products or industry news heard in the simple click of a button.
4. Increased keyword density generates authority
Content matters, not only from the user perspective, but from the search engine’s perspective also. The search engine assesses your sites credibility by the number of keywords hit in your content that the visitors search for. Gearing your keyword density towards your market sector increases your sites authority in the eyes of the search engines, thus prompting more traffic headed in your direction.
5. A regularly updated blog will help to humanise your company
People love tips and tricks; by offering your visitors regular advice you’re providing a service, and if visitors value this service as useful, they will like and share this information, generating more traffic for your website. Helpful content on your blog generates trust within your customers, this trust often transforms into leads, which ultimately, generates sales.
Here at the SEO Works we pride ourselves on generating greater online traffic. Contact us today to ensure your company website gains more exposure to potential customers.
Hi! I’m Ben, CEO of The SEO Works
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