SEO for Dentists

Get your dental practice found on Google, using Dental SEO from an experienced provider.

Dental SEO

We have years of experience in optimising for dental SEO and dentist searches. With dental-related Google searches increasing by around 25% year-on-year, it is clear that the online demand for dental products and related services is growing. We work with a number of dental product and service based clients and have helped them grasp this growing opportunity to grow online, across both consumer and business target markets.

A purpose-designed Dental SEO strategy and website built around your dental offering can allow you to reach target customers more effectively and help you focus on running your practice or business. We offer award winning SEO and websites, with in-house specialists, in full accordance with advertising ethics and dental regulations.

Dental SEO clients

Here are just some of the dental clients we have helped:

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Key trends in SEO for the dental industry:

Total household spending on dental services in the UK has risen from 1.3 billion in 2005 to over 3.2 billion. Dental patients now hold the same expectations for their dental care that they have developed for other areas in their life. It’s also easier with modern technology to become more vocal about their dental product and services, and their dental care experiences.

On the business-to-business side, Google is now the first port of call for initial research by executives and decision makers. From dental compliance through to powerful dental practice management tools, the need to be visible online for dental providers and suppliers is crucial to business success.

With the increasing growth of digital, patients are better educated than ever before – with information at their fingertips. They are likely to undertake independent research of their dental symptoms and dental beauty needs.

They will also evaluate the online reputation of your services, your practice, and your competition. The graph below shows that millenials and gen x are most likely to research online – but all generations will spend at least some time using online for dental research. Today’s consumer is more educated and more picky than ever before.

Dental SEO Stats

Dental SEO – next steps

Contact us today to see how your dental business can maximise its online potential.