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31st March 2016

The SEO Works boosted on Google elevator programme

As a leading search marketing company, we are delighted that we have been invited by Google to to become members of their exclusive Google Elevator programme. By invite only, this exclusive initiative has been designed to enable Adwords teams with exceptional potential to grow to new heights.

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A high growth agency

Being recognised as one of the highest potential digital agencies in the UK and Ireland by Google is a fantastic boost for our team. To top it off, The SEO Works have also been invited to take part in the exclusive mentoring programme reserved for only the pick of the bunch. Of 30,000 UK agencies, 250 were chosen for Elevator, 31 of which have been hand selected to be mentored by the world’s biggest company.

The Google Partners Elevator programme is an exclusive training program designed and delivered by leading business consultant, Robert Craven, and is held in Google’s London headquarters.

Google Elevator helping our clients

Being selected by Google as part of the Google Elevator programme demonstrates to our clients that we are highly regarded at what we do. Our google quality score is consistently over 95%, which is in the top percentile of all agencies and way above the quality target set by Google.

The best thing is that this programme will continue to develop our team’s knowledge and give us access to the latest Google insights, products and services before others. Which only means a good thing for our clients.

Would you like to work with one of Google’s top agencies in the UK? Get in contact with us today.

Author - Ben Foster

Ben Foster is a digital practitioner with over 25 years of leadership experience in the technology and digital sector. He is passionate about customer engagement and using technology as an enabler to improve end user experiences.


Hi! I’m Ben, CEO of The SEO Works

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