uk search awards 2016 logo

21st October 2016

The SEO Works Finalists twice at the UK Search Awards

We’re pleased to announce that we’re finalists at the UK’s largest search awards event, the UK Search Awards.

Edit: we won!

uk search awards 2016 logo

The UK Search Awards were created over 6 years ago to recognise the finest talent across the search industry, and attract hundreds of entries from across the UK.

We’re proud to have reached the finals in two categories, “Best Local Campaign” and “Best Low Budget Campaign“. The shortlisted campaigns were for different clients, one in Law and one in Recruitment.

Ben Foster, Managing Director said “Reaching the finals in two categories at the largest celebration of search talent in the UK is a massive achievement. Our continued success at awards in 2016 continues to mark us out as one of the leading search agencies in the UK for professional services.”

The event final is held at The Bloomsbury Big Top in London on Wednesday 30 November 2016.

Author - Ben Foster

Ben Foster is a digital practitioner with over 25 years of leadership experience in the technology and digital sector. He is passionate about customer engagement and using technology as an enabler to improve end user experiences.


Hi! I’m Ben, CEO of The SEO Works

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